Author/Co-Author Registration Fee Includes: Participation in the technical program Lunch Banquet Badge Conference Accessories CD of Proceedings Coffee breaks Welcome reception

Once Your paper is accepted, the registration process begins. you must complete the following steps.
Step1 – Registration Fee: It is mandatory for at least one author of an accepted paper to register for the paper to appear in the proceedings and included in the Technical Program. Fee includes listing the papers online , The  media of the proceedings, Lunch, Morning and Evening Snacks. Registration Fees.

Kindly pay the registration fees through online transaction only and mail us the e receipt/transaction number along with your paper id and registered author id card.

Author/Co-Author Registration Fee Includes:

  1. Welcome reception
  2. Badge
  3. Conference Kit with Proceeding
  4. Participation in the technical program
  5. Coffee breaks
  6. Lunch
  7. Banquet

Early Bird Round

CategoryEarly RegistrationLate Registration
IEEE Member ( Full paper registration)INR 8300INR 8900
Non IEEE Member ( Full paper registration) INR 8700INR 8900
Foreigner Author  (IEEE Member) full paper registrationUSD 175USD 220
Foreigner Academician (Non IEEE Member) -full paper registrationUSD 185USD 250
Co-Author/ Listener INR 4000/100 USD